Laser Engraving laser marking and laser cutting in Textile & Leather


Due to laser engraving, laser marking and laser cutting technologies’ advantages of high precision, speediness, simplified operation and high degree of automation, they have been applied gradually far and wide in textile and leather industries as an all-new process method. What’s more, the advanced technology keeps manufacturers at the forefront of fashion.


Due to follows advantages, Laser cutting is widely used in textile and leather industry.
1. Takes up less room. Due to the reduced production period, as well as reduced personnel and supporting facilities requirements, the amount of clean room space is decreased.
2. Lower costs. Being computer-controlled, less human interaction is needed, reducing labor costs. No additional materials are required. Production costs are also reduced.
3. Increased quality. Due to the lower human interaction, man-made errors are reduced and high-quality output is increased. Furthermore, cutting efficiency is increased by a factor of 10.
4. Due to the agility of the laser cutter, designs and product patterns can be changed according to clients; requirements at any time.



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